Tuesday, November 1, 2011

oh man

It has been forever since i posted, whuups :/   Amelia is 9 months old tomorrow! I will have known her outside as long as she was inside, with the exception that time now passes in a blurry sleep deprived confusing sameness of days. lol.  I love being a mom, but I am starting to really miss sleeping more than three hours in a row (that's my average, she occasionally sleeps for 5-6 hours but that only reminds me what I am missing!).  I can't really expect her to be a great sleeper since I myself never have been, but the combination of two poor sleepers well- you can imagine.
I suppose her current, and it seems perpetual, teething is not helping the situation.  Can you believe that she still has no teeth! Amazing.  I keep saying she will pop them all out at once like the Hulk or something!

We had a pretty great Halloween

We dressed as clouds and Amelia was a cherub.  This is a small window in her life where we and the general public can lovingly enjoy all of her little rolls and chubby goodness.  So lame as our costumes may be, I got to watch this little cherub all night!